Friday, November 7, 2008

Where in the World is My Team?

This blog is about the digital work life - something I am intimately familiar with. I don't have a colleague within 3000 miles of where I typically work - they are scattered across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Actually, my workplace isn't really a 'place' at all but a virtual space, and I enter into it from many different real world places. Whether we work for a large, medium,or small organization - or even for ourselves - the virtual workspace is becoming pervasive. Love it or hate it, the real world of work is virtually real.

After about 15 years of working on or with global virtual teams (GVTs), a colleague suggested I write a book about them. Hmm. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read another business book let alone write another one! If it was to happen, I had to find a way to make it instructional and fun (for me as well as the reader). And so, 'Where in the World is My Team?' evolved into what I have come to call an instructional soap opera.

The intent of this blog is to have a conversation about the new world of work. Building on the content in the latest book, I want to ask how we can make our virtual workspaces work for us, our teams and our organizations?

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